Category: Uncategorized

  • Metal Mondays #3: Trashy Tracks To Be Upset At The Internet To

    After a long weekend flicking through the various social medias and feeling even more empty than when you first woke up, its time to vent. These tracks do not technically fall under the ‘metal’ category. However, if you are going to be a stickler about some random weirdo’s blog titles, you aren’t the type of…

  • Metal Mondays #2: Going Back To Classic Heavy Metal

    This Monday instead of showing off some obscure noise; I thought it would be good change of pace to show tracks that follow the typical “Heavy Metal” sound. Such as Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, yadda yadda. Sometimes it is good to get in touch with your inner jean jacket and studded leather wrist bands. There…

  • The Last Voyage Of The Demeter Movie Review

    I am a big Dracula fan. When I heard about a movie being released about the small segment of the book crossing the water to England, I was so excited. There has been a little resurgence of Dracula content recently. Between the movies The Invitation and Renfield. The latter being the most mainstream one for…